Nevada Books $1M in Daily Cannabis Sales, $30M in Taxes
booking an average of $1M per day in cannabis sales, and bringing in $30M to state coffers in only the first six months of operations, says
Koch Industries Supports the Cannabis Industry
"You've got a friend in me You've got a friend in me When the road looks rough ahead And you're miles and miles From your nice warm bed...
Dime Bags or Rape Kits: New York City's De Facto War on Women
Between 2001 and 2010, there were "over 8 million marijuana arrests in the United States, 88% of which were for possession." says the...
A PhD, Three MBA's and a Senator walk into a Bar...
Our friends at Weed Reader published yesterday The 10 Most Interesting Females in Cannabis, a list which takes a deeper dive into the...
"We shoot for media with 500,000 to 2.5 million followers" - The Kip Morrison Interview
Kip Morrison is the Founder and CEO of the legendary public relations and branding agency Kip Morrison & Associates. In person, she is...
Senator Cory Gardner Upholds Vow to Jam the Gears of Justice over Cannabis
In 1915, the artist Bela Lyon Pratt completed a bronze statue of the American patriot Nathan Hale, who had uttered the bold last words "I...
Los Angeles Refuses to Lead... Again
Imagine if Elon Musk had rejected launching the Falcon Heavy rocket (show here in orbit yesterday) because "it was too difficult", or...
Warning: Cannabis Statistics Smell Like Highfalutin' Propaganda
It's come to our attention that the NFL has a viewership problem. The problem is, about 9% fewer Americans are watching professional...
Vermont's Foray into Legal Cannabis Keeps Street Dealers Fat and Happy
The American Cannabis Report is going to bang our heads against the wall.... er... swim against the current here with our own trumpet blast:
New Research on Cannabis' Effectiveness against Autism
In all the headline-grabbing hoo-ha about memos and market share and tax revenues, it can be easy to forget that the front line of...
NCIA Meltdown: Enemies of Legal Cannabis Must Be Loving This
We are witnessing a pivotal moment in the movement to heal people and end cannabis prohibition. Our country and our industry are in desperat
Is the San Diego Union-Tribune Tone-Deaf About Cannabis?
The headline in the San Diego Union-Tribune the other day sent us sprawling: Marijuana industry gets blunt: Stop using the word 'pot' Was...