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Is the San Diego Union-Tribune Tone-Deaf About Cannabis?

American Cannabis Report Editorial Staff

The headline in the San Diego Union-Tribune the other day sent us sprawling:

Was someone in America's Finest City playing a joke?

Or is this epically tone-deaf silliness the result of proximity to the southern neighbors, fear of which created the the tip of the spear in the failed racist War on Drugs: the word "marijuana" (or "mari-huana" if you're going deep).

Take this quote from the article: "The image deeply bothers the marijuana industry, which is telling the public — sometimes gently, sometimes curtly — that they should use the word cannabis. That’s the scientific name for the plant from which marijuana is derived." (Italics added).

What the Serious F is this nonsense?

Dear readers, please call these 619s and clue them in: The problem word in the cannabis industry is NOT the word "pot". Nor is it "weed" or any of the other playful/nonsensical bon-mots created by a pirate culture having fun. "The Man" never seems to understand this fun part of flying the Jolly Roger, yet always manages to discount the serious business going on below decks.

The word "pot" is patty-cake compared to the damage done by the word marijuana. Which the Union-Tribune uses 23 times in its short article. 23 times!

Hey San Diego: Come visit the 21st Century. Cannabis has been legal in your state for more than 20 years. You might check into it if you're going to run a news service.

And before you lose your shirts playing Scrabble, please review:

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