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Free Medicinal Weed for Federal Workers During Shutdown

American Cannabis Report Editorial Staff

The cannabis industry has a tasty solution to the Trump Shutdown: Free Medicinal Ganj for unpaid federal workers.

Ganjapreneur dropped this tasty nug in our Inbox this morning: "Website Offers Free Cannabis to Government Workers During Shutdown". The company offering the freebies is BudTrader, which wants you to know it's the largest online cannabis marketplace, sorta like "Craig's List for Weed."

It seems this offer is only good in California (because Ye Olde Prohibition is Federal, dontcha know), and BudTraders' attorneys are looking into whether donations of medicinal cannabis are even legal.

But who cares?

It's a brilliant bit of branding by BudTrader, and perfectly exemplifies both the heart and humor of the cannabis industry.

According to original reporting at The Hill,

"The site said it will donate “the maximum legal allowable amount of cannabis” to any affected government employees.

Several companies and organizations have offered free goods and services to government employees struggling during the partial shutdown. Celebrity chef José Andrés opened up a pop-up restaurant offering free meals, while Kraft announced a grocery store pop-up filled with its products.

Crowdfunding website GoFundMe said last week that federal worker have launched more than 1,500 campaigns since the shutdown began.

In any case, the President and Congress are going to have to up their games.

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