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A Mighty Reasonable Approach to Edibles

American Cannabis Report Editorial Staff

In an article titled "Adults can do better keeping pot edibles that look like treats from children", the Seattle Times proposes reasonable approaches to a "sticky" problem: keeping edibles away from children. The article considers three sides of the issue, and in each instance assigns responsibility - not blame - to those who would consider themselves the "adults in the room". We applaud the Seattle Times for this measured, sensible call to action.

As the last line of defense, the first responsibility goes to parents. Parents have a fundamental responsibility to keep their kids safe. The common sense rules for edibles are no different for Tide pods, alcohol, prescription drugs, and the lot. If we as a community really expect Prohibition to end, any time a kid gets into the edibles at home, we should reasonably expect a parent to be punished.

Responsibility is assigned to edibles makers. They are asked not to make edibles that look like candy, including brightly colored packaging, both of which are likely to attract kids. This will go against the grain of cannabis culture for some, who use cannabis recreationally to experience the spirit of fun and freedom that's brought on by THC. That's a fairly adult way of saying "fun is the whole point."

Fair enough, but the simple line that cannot be crossed is the looks-like-candy line. If kids get hold of the edibles, it could get bad. Certainly bad for the kid, and then bad for everyone when edibles are shut down completely. But that doesn't really need explaining, does it?

Responsibility is also assigned to those who regulate edibles. This goes for legislators, and also manufacturers. To wit: "Vicki Christophersen, executive director of the Washington Cannabusiness Association, says the entire industry wants to partner with the Liquor and Cannabis Board to strengthen and clarify state regulations about edibles to improve safety and prevent an all-out ban. She says they are willing to follow the rules, but they need more specifics about what is allowed and what isn’t."

In short, both sides need to communicate for the good of the industry and the community. And the adults in the room, no matter what their role, need to think and act responsibly.

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