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Can't Get an "All Access Pass" to CWCBE-NY? Here's What to Do

Emily Drayton, Staff Writer

The Cannabis World Congress and Business Expo (CWCBE) kicks off in New York City this week - the big show is so SO popular that some passes are sold out.

At least, that's what it says on the website. But Dear Readers, there is more than one way to skin the cannabis cat - and more ways to create opportunity at the New York Show than some people realize.

1. Buy the pass that suits you best! Yes, the All Expo Pass is SOLD OUT, but don't let that stop you. The Full Conference Pass is still available, and the only difference is a pass to the big super fun party... but seriously, if you're in New York to meet people and build your business, you need to get on the floor and inside the lectures and networking events... For a more limited strategy, or limited budget, you can consider 3-Day Seminar Passes, 3-Day Expo Pass - - check out your choices here and make a decision based on whether you want to learn (seminars) or network and meet people (focus on passes that get you on the Expo floor).

2. Do your homework: Before you go, visit the Speaker Page to find out which industry leaders are going to be at the show, and when they are speaking. Make a plan to visit those seminars. Plan to arrive a little early to make sure to get a seat.

If you want to see the scope of the industry and speak with a variety of consultants, or lighting designers, or edibles manufacturers, or growers... then get thyself to the Expo floor. Here's a sample of the companies who will be at CWCBE in New York.

3. Relax: If we were going to the CWCBE for the first time, it might seem overwhelming to think "Thousands of attendees, dozens of booths... how are we going to meet the right people?"

Take a deep breath... the cannabis industry is really like a small town. If you're bold enough to be in this industry already, and starting a business, you're already 'one of us'. Once you're inside a CWCBE event, it's easy to meet anyone you want.

4. Be nice: Rule #1 for a cannabis introduction is be nice. There is no one in the room who is tool important for a few-minute chat and exchange of business cards - and that includes you. Trust us on this - the cannabis industry is unique and wonderful this way.

5. Plan for the next CWCBE event: The CWCBE is also held in Los Angeles on September 26-29 and Boston from October 17-20.

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