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Traffic Roots Represents the Industry at the “Collision” Tech Conference

Christopher Smith, Editor-in-Chief

Here are a few names you might know: Al Gore, Brad Smith, Mark Hurd, John Chambers, Mark Hurd, and Jeremy King.

If you don’t know them by name, then perhaps by job descriptions: Nobel Prize Winner and former Vice President of the United States; President of Microsoft; CEO of Oracle; Chairman Emeritus of Cisco Systems; and CTO of Walmart.

Big hitters, these fellows, which is why they were the top shelf of speakers at this week’s Collision Conference in New Orleans, which Forbes Magazine calls “North America’s Fastest Growing Tech Conference.”

A guy you won’t find above the fold on the Collision website is Christian Valdez. He’s the founder and CEO of a California technology company, too. He’s a speaker at industry events, too. His company is an “industry disruptor”, too: an advertising network that serves millions of impressions per day.

Christian’s company is called Traffic Roots. It’s one of only three companies from the cannabis industry to be invited to Collision.

Most Americans understand the cannabis industry has arrived. The 25,000 attendees at this elite conference know that Traffic Roots is in the vanguard.

It’s been about a month since Traffic Roots launched its platform, and results are rushing in.

"… I was psyched that Traffic Roots was one of three cannabis companies invited, and to meet tech legends that we all look up to. People at the Collision Conference seemed genuinely impressed with how we are solving advertising problems cannabis companies face, and we look forward to seeing howmthese new relationships play out." says Valdez.

Stay tuned and keep an eye an exciting software company on the rise.

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