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Cancer Survivor Rylie Maedler Asks Jeff Sessions for Cannabis for Other Sick Kids

American Cannabis Report Editorial Staff

For a long time, we at The American Cannabis Report have said any legislator who votes against medicinal cannabis should have to look a sick child in the eye and tell her she has to die because the legislator believes cannabis is bad.

Go ahead, Senator, tell her. We'll wait...

Since no anti-cannabis legislators are brave enough to handle the cold hard reality that there are very sick children in the US for whom cannabis is a lifesaver, twelve year old bone cancer survivor Rylie Maedler has brought her reality to them.

Rylie, who lives in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, was 7 years old when diagnosed with bone tumors in her facial bones that caused seizures. Doctors were forced to remove 1/3 of the bones in her face. Amazingly, they have all grown back, without reconstructive surgery.

And as you'll see in this video in which she addresses Attorney General Jeff Sessions, she is a thoughtful and generous child who speaks on behalf of other sick children, is strong enough to speak truth to power, and even offers "a hero's path" for Sessions. Just wow....

Now 12, Rylie has been seizure free for 4 years, and is a straight-A student. She and her family created a 501(c)(3) organization called "Rylie's Smile Foundation" which gifts children battling for their lives an Apple iPod Touch. "They can listen to their favorite music, play games, take videos, pictures and stay in contact with family. Our foundation feels that this is important in not only comforting children during such a scary time but we take it a step further to help families improve their child’s quality of life by advocating for more options in treatments, including the research of these options."

Legislators in Rylie's home state responded by passing Rylie's Law in Delaware in 2015 so children under 18 who are suffering from various forms of seizures will have access to medicine that was previously reserved only for adults. The Delaware House voted unanimously in favor of the bill.

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