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Kidding Coppers are on a Roll with Cannabis Love Note

American Cannabis Report Editorial Staff

A few months ago the Internet let out a welcome chuckle when a small-town Minnesota Five-Oh posted a darned funny meme about 4/20.

(Bags of munchies? A hiding policeman with a really big net? Ha ha ha Come on you guys, I'm gonna pee!)

Not to be outdone in the comedy department, the Thames Valley Police near Oxford (England, not Mississippi) have gone the MN-PD one better.

Seems some naughty English chaps had raised a jolly cannabis plantation in a light-dappled glen.

The vigilant coppers happened upon it.

And then tore it out.

And then waited for the cultivators to show up to slap on the shackles.

And waited and waited...

Around tea time, the tuckered troopers grew tired. Desperate for crumpets, they left the scene.

Fortunately for us, they left a note:

Ooops! Sorry we missed each other but feel free to call me on 101 so we can discuss a deal. Lots of love, TVP xx.

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