Opioids: "A death toll equal to 9/11 every three weeks."
The American Cannabis Report has reported extensively on the opioid crisis in America. CNN now says that 142 people die per day of...
Should Drug Addiction Be Reclassified as Chronic Pain?
Whenever we see a caduceus, we are reminded of the ongoing dialogue surrounding the cannabis industry about whether it's a drug or a...
Jesse Sez: If You’re Pro-Freedom, You Should Be in Favor of Legalizing Cannabis
Though we've recently added a "Breaking News" section for certain red-hot opportunities, typically it's not our bag. More likely, we will...
More of These, Please: Cannabis Folk Pass the Hat for Sick Child
A serendipitous meeting at a lemonade stand outside a Canadian cannabis conference led to an old-style passing the hat for a child with a...
Messing with Nature, v.997,001
So back in the 1960's, there was this guy in Israel, see? Raphael Mechoulam. He discovered the chemical THC was a component of cannabis....
Add Tourette Syndrome to the Conditions Cannabis May Treat
PsyPost has reported that preliminary evidence in a new Canadian scientific study shows cannabis' promise in reducing Tourette Syndrome...
Greece is 6th EU Country to Legalize Medicinal Cannabis
The Prime Minister, Alexis Tsipras, says "“From now on, the country is turning its page, as Greece is now included in countries where the...
Cannabis Worse Than Coke and Meth, Feds Say
Peruse the US Drug Enforcement Agency's Schedule of Controlled Substances and you will find that it's actually five schedules...
Pennsylvania Selects 27 Dispensaries for Licenses
The Pennsylvania Department of Health has announced the first round winners of Dispensary Licenses. Of 280 applicants, 27 winning...